Following a week of bright sunshine and warmer temperatures, Lake Tahoe's rapid thaw has tracked with a slow start in the local real estate market. Nevertheless, four new listings graced the market, and we were delighted to see three properties ranging from $775,000 - $3,750,000 go into contract, while three other properties successfully closed escrow.
Undoubtedly, the most remarkable property that caught our attention was the stunningly remodeled home in Mill Creek, 231 Pelton Drive. This perfectly groomed, single-level home boasts rare, well-appointed features that are highly coveted in the market today. Priced at $3,750,000, it was a great bargain compared to what would have been its previous listing price 12 months ago, and it's no surprise that it was quickly snapped up by a discerning buyer in just eight days. This excellent sale illustrates not only the high demand for homes and properties in Incline Village, but also how remodeled homes that are priced competitively can stand out and move quickly.
Overall, the local real estate market in Incline Village remains steadily active, and we are excited to see what the coming weeks have in store for us and for our weather patterns.
To check out our latest Incline Village Market breakdown, scroll to the bottom.

That said, as we watch water flowing down the streets and into the storm drains, it brings to mind the need for each homeowner to complete the BMPs on their property. The TRPA requires that every parcel in the Lake Tahoe basin install erosion control measures to help improve lake clarity.
According to the TRPA “Best Management Practices", BMPs are methods to help developed properties function more like natural, undisturbed forest and meadowland. Water that is conveyed to a lake by an undisturbed watershed is usually quite pure, because the watershed’s soils and plants act as a natural water purification system. BMPs help developed properties mimic natural conditions, preventing sediment and nutrients from entering our surface waters and filtering runoff water through the soil. By implementing BMPs, property owners can help slow the loss of lake clarity.”
Depending on the location of your property, the type of slope, proximity to a stream zone, soil type, vegetation and other factors, the amount of work required to complete the BMPs on your property can vary dramatically. BMPs for residential properties will often require planting vegetation or distributing mulch on bare land and compacted dirt; directing the runoff from snow melt and storm water, especially from impervious surfaces such as driveways and sidewalks and doing work to stabilize steep slopes and loose soil.
Owners of single-family homes and free-standing PUDS/Condos are responsible for doing the BMP work on their property. If you are considering purchasing an attached condo, then the homeowners association may be responsible for the installation of BMPs. The cost might be paid out of reserves or there could be a special assessment, depending on the financial situation of the particular homeowners association. Freestanding condo owners will very often be responsible for installing BMPs around the footprint of their property with the homeowners association taking responsibility for doing the BMPs in the common areas.
Some of the more common requirements to complete your BMPs are distributing gravel or rock mulch under decks and roof drip lines, repaving deteriorating driveways and sidewalks, revegetating compacted dirt areas and installing slotted drains in places where water tends to run off pavement rapidly or collect in pools.
The Nevada Tahoe Conservation District is a nonprofit organization that will perform a BMP analysis at your property at no charge on an appointment basis. I recommend that any homeowner who has not yet installed their BMPs contact the NTCD at 775-586-1610 and talk with one of the staff members about having an evaluation performed at your property. Another great resource to see if there has been an evaluation completed on your property for your BMPs is the TRPA sponsored website - .
Once there is an evaluation completed on your property, you can contact a local landscaping company or contractor to receive a bid on the work needed or you can complete them yourself. Make sure to have the TRPA come out and issue you a certificate of completion so your property complies and you are protecting the clarity of our beautiful lake. All property owners have a responsibility for maintaining their parcels and keeping Lake Tahoe as clear as possible by reducing contamination from sediment and pollutants.
Insider Tip: Don’t forget to look in your mail for your bright yellow envelope from IVGID. Yard waste stickers are here, and you will need them for spring (May 1 – July 28) and fall (October 1-29) yard clean up. GO GREEN - If you have a small trailer or truck, you can bring your pine needles un-bagged to the transfer station and they will gladly let you dump them in exchange for a few stickers.
And last but, certainly not least...
